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King's B'day Weekend Sale ~ Grab an extra 20% off all existing sale items ~ Discount automatically applied at checkout ~ T's & C's apply
King's B'day Weekend Sale ~ Grab an extra 20% off all existing sale items ~ Discount automatically applied at checkout ~ T's & C's apply

Etude Top - Bouquet


Kowtow Etude Top - Bouquet

An elevated, easy-wear top, made from 100% certified Fairtrade organic cotton poplin shirting. The Etude Top has a relaxed fit and an elegant silhouette which showcases our bouquet print created using imagery of foliage from our surrounding spaces. It is detailed with subtle pleating around the neckline, and fastens through the front with agoya shell buttons. Can be worn relaxed or cinched in at the waist with the self-fabric tie.

Fit: Realxed fit*

Fabric: 100% Cotton

- Pleating around neckline
- Agoya shell buttons
- Self-fabric waist tie

*Not sure about sizing? Is your size sold out? Please email us at, we would love to help in any way we can! 

Designed in Aotearoa / Made in India 

Rad stuff only.